Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
PolyMAT’s CEIAG programme at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls is overseen by Ms S Barrett,
The Careers Co-ordinator:
Year 7
‘Discovering my potential’
In year 7 students discover their potential by identifying their strengths, attributes, qualities and weaknesses.
We want students to have the confidence to develop their qualities and attributes in order to explore all opportunities available to them in the future
Activities include
- Career PSHE lessons- Unlocking your potential
- Careers Fair
- Higher and Further education encounter
- Employer encounters
Year 8
‘Exploring my opportunities’
In year 8 students explore different opportunities that would be available to them throughout their lives. They will have a range of opportunities to explore different job sectors and potential careers relate to their interests , qualities and strengths.
Activities include
- Career PSHE lessons- personal finance, breaking gender stereotypes
- Morrisby Careers
- Careers Fair
- Higher and Further education encounters
- Employers interventions
Year 9
‘Informing my pathways’
In year 9 students will embark on their first steps in their individual pathways
Students will start by choosing their KS4 options and look at different progression routes post-14, 16 and 18. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the entry requirements needed for future qualifications and careers. Students will also develop an understanding of skills, attributes and experience needed for their desired career pathways and begin to identify how they can develop.
Activities include
- Career PSHE lesson- progression routes
- Options open evening
- Option assemblies
- Option interviews
- University visits
- Morrisby careers
Year 10
‘Experiencing the world of work’
Students will bring the knowledge and experiences gained in year 7-9 to acquire a work placement setting at the end of year 10. Students will develop employability skills.
Activities included
- Careers PSHE
- Work experience placement
- Higher and Further education encounters
- Employer encounters
- Careers Fair
- Morrisby careers
Year 11
‘Applying my experience’
Students will take all their experiences from year 7-10 and reflect on how they have shaped them in order to make an informed decision into Post-16 education. Students will be equipped with the tools and support to empower them to excel in their chosen pathway.
Activities included
- Careers Fair
- Progression Fair
- Careers Guidance interviews with Careers Advisers
- Employer encounters
Strategic Objective 1 (Gatsby benchmark 3, 7, 8) |
Strategic Objective 2 (Gatsby benchmark 2, 5, 6) |
Strategic Objective 3 (Gatsby benchmark 1,4) |
To drive the ambition of all pupils by facilitating opportunities that raises their aspirations but also equipping students and their families with the confidence and knowledge of progression routes through tailored guidance in order to make informed choices | To build and maintain strong relationships with the community that reflects the local labour market and provides students with access to meaningful encounters with employers | To deliver a career programme that empowers staff to embed careers across all aspects of the school academically and pastorally . This also includes excelling in making explicit links to employability skills which will equip students to be the leaders of tomorrow. |
careers map
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Ms Barrett is our Careers and Leadership Co-ordinator. Careers education is taken seriously. It begins from the moment our students walk through our doors in Year 7 and will continue all the way through to Year 11. Not only is careers taught during Personal Development, but we also have a whole host of opportunities to learn from employers and employees from a variety of industries and professions. In addition, we ensure all students have individual guidance tailored to their specific needs and receive information in a variety of ways, such as work-related learning workshops, theatre performances, external business speakers, one to one interviews, transition support – all of which will inspire and inform students along their chosen career pathway.
In addition to the above, each subject area will have other opportunities for students to experience the link between learning in the classroom and earning in the workplace.
Support Materials