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Back to School - Information for current Parents/Carers

Dear families, 

We are really looking forward to welcoming our students back through our doors after the summer break later this week.

We have had an incredibly successful summer, both with our summer schools for incoming Year 7 and Year 11 students as well as a fantastic set of GCSE results for our first cohort of Year 11s. We will be sharing with you all the success of Year 11 next week in a special letter from Ms Williams as well as our social media platforms.

In the meantime, I would like to remind you that the return to school for Years 7-11 is as follows: 


Year groups 



Thursday 5th September 

7 and 11 only 

Y11: 08:15am – 2:55pm 

Y7: 09:30 – 2:30pm 

Workshops and tutor sessions 

Friday 6th September 

All year groups 

Y8-10: 08:15am – 2:55pm 

Y7: 09:30 – 2:30pm 

Workshops and tutor sessions 

Monday 9th September 

All year groups  

08:15am – 2:55pm  

(Normal school day) 

Timetabled lessons begin period 1 

In addition to this, I would like to remind all our families that the timings of the school day have changed for this academic year. School begins at 08:15am and finishes at 2:55pm – on Wednesdays, it is a 2:05pm finish.

Students are expected to be in school by 08:10am, ready for line up at 08:15am prompt.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind families of our uniform expectations. In particular, students should have an appropriate black school bag (no handbags).  Any false nails, false eyelashes and multiple piercings must be removed prior to their return to school.

We look forward to seeing you all at the end of the week,

Ms Holmes

Deputy Headteacher

Contact Us

Birchdene Drive
SE28 8RF