Poly Parent Morning - Friday 3rd February 2023 9.15-10.15am
Dear Parent/carer
Our next Poly Parent Morning will be coming up on Friday 3rd February 2023 from 9.15 a.m. - 10.15 a.m.
Poly Parent morning is a forum where we invite parents every half-term to come into our school to meet with other parents and staff to share information in an informal way that will benefit your daughter.
For our upcoming morning we would like to involve you in conversation about keeping students safe in the context of the community and on their way to and from school.
We will be asking your opinions and also to help us map out any concerns in the local area so that we can work together to safeguard the students.
Light refreshments will be provided, and young children are welcome to come along too.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible that are able to make it.
Kind regards,
Mrs R Brown
Pastoral Administrator/Student Support