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  • Studybugs - The new way to report student absence!

    Published 21/06/23

    Dear parent/carers, 

    We are pleased to announce that Woolwich Polytechnic Girls is introducing a new, more efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence due to illness, called Studybugs.

    If you haven’t already, please get the free Studybugs app, or register on the Studybugs website, and use it to tell us whenever your child’s ill and unable to attend school.

    Get the app or register now:

    Top 3 reasons to use Studybugs
    1. It’s integrated with our systems, so we know right away if your child is unaccounted for.
    2. It’s quick and easy to register and use and automatically reminds you to keep us posted.
    3. You’ll be helping the NHS and other public health organisations improve children’s health.

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  • Celebrating Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls Class of 2024 GCSE Results!

    Published 04/09/24

    Celebrating Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls Class of 2024 GCSE Results!

    The summer of 2024 will be forever remembered as a significant moment in our school’s history as our founding cohort receive their GCSE results. Over the past five years, we have grown and developed as a school that is fully committed to ensuring that our vision of ‘Success for Everyone’ is reflected in all that we do.

    Today we reap the rewards of a hugely committed student and staff body: the hard work, ambition and perseverance shown by all members of our school community has led to a set of GCSE results that we are incredibly proud of. Over 20% of our cohort have achieved at least 5 GCSEs at the top grades of 7-9 with 43% students leaving with a grade 7+ in English. Moreover, in some option subjects, over 30% of students achieved a 7+. For English and Maths, 78% of the cohort have achieved a 4+ in both subjects.

    Ms Williams, Headteacher, says: “I am so pleased to see that our girls will leave school with qualifications that will open up doors to them and enable them to continue on their journey of success. Everyone has played their part in making this possible and I want to thank our students, staff and families for making this year a success.”.

    Mr Plumb, CEO, says: “We are delighted with our GCSE results for the girls’ school. We are thrilled that many of our students will continue their journey of success with us as they progress on to our 6th Form”.

    Top performing students:
    Li Na: 8 grade 9s, 1 grade 8
    Iqra: 6 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s
    Lara: 6 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s
    Zaira: 5 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s, 1 grade 7
    Kiran: 5 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s, 1 grade 7
    Olivia: 7 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s
    Nishat: 3 grade 9s, 4 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s
    Joanna: 4 grade 9s, 4 grade 8s, 1 grade 7
    Safa: 2 grade 9s, 5 grade 8s, 1 grade 7
    Iqra: 3 grade 9s, 5 grade 8s, 1 grade 7
    Zara: 3 grade 9s, 5 grade 8s

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  • Back to School - Information for current Parents/Carers

    Published 04/09/24

    Dear families, 

    We are really looking forward to welcoming our students back through our doors after the summer break later this week.

    We have had an incredibly successful summer, both with our summer schools for incoming Year 7 and Year 11 students as well as a fantastic set of GCSE results for our first cohort of Year 11s. We will be sharing with you all the success of Year 11 next week in a special letter from Ms Williams as well as our social media platforms.

    In the meantime, I would like to remind you that the return to school for Years 7-11 is as follows: 


    Year groups 



    Thursday 5th September 

    7 and 11 only 

    Y11: 08:15am – 2:55pm 

    Y7: 09:30 – 2:30pm 

    Workshops and tutor sessions 

    Friday 6th September 

    All year groups 

    Y8-10: 08:15am – 2:55pm 

    Y7: 09:30 – 2:30pm 

    Workshops and tutor sessions 

    Monday 9th September 

    All year groups  

    08:15am – 2:55pm  

    (Normal school day) 

    Timetabled lessons begin period 1 

    In addition to this, I would like to remind all our families that the timings of the school day have changed for this academic year. School begins at 08:15am and finishes at 2:55pm – on Wednesdays, it is a 2:05pm finish.

    Students are expected to be in school by 08:10am, ready for line up at 08:15am prompt.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to remind families of our uniform expectations. In particular, students should have an appropriate black school bag (no handbags).  Any false nails, false eyelashes and multiple piercings must be removed prior to their return to school.

    We look forward to seeing you all at the end of the week,

    Ms Holmes

    Deputy Headteacher

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  • HMRC financial support for parents & teens

    Published 21/08/24

    Extend your Child Benefit claim for your teen today.

    It’s time for parents across the UK to extend their Child Benefit claim if their 16-19-year-old is staying in full-time non-advanced education or approved training.

    HMRC sent 1.4 million letters between 24 May and 17 July to parents, explaining how to extend their claim. If you haven’t received a letter, there’s no need to worry. You can still extend your Child Benefit via the HMRC app or online where eligible. 

    We know how important Child Benefit can be to families, so let HMRC know by 31 August if your teen intends to stay in approved education or training.

    Extending your Child Benefit ensures you won't miss out on any payments from 31 August. However, if your child changes their mind about further education or training, you can simply let HMRC know online or in the app and we’ll update our records and adjust any payments as needed.

    For parents who can’t extend their Child Benefit online, you can still do so by post or by phone.

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  • Reminder - GCSE Results Day - Thursday 22nd August 2024

    Published 20/08/24

    Dear Year 11 students and families,

    I am writing this letter to inform you about arrangements regarding Results Day on Thursday 22nd August 2024.
    Students will be able to collect their results between 9 and 10am. Families are welcome to join students during this time. There will be a videographer and photographer capturing images of the morning and these will be available to view at a later stage on our social media platforms.

    During this time, there will be support available from staff members in relation to next steps, enrolment at post-16 providers and any queries regarding retakes. Sometimes decisions regarding next steps can change following receipt of results, and we will support students with any changes they are considering making. I would like to reassure all students and families that, as a school, we remain committed to our students even once they have left us and therefore, the offer of support and advice from us stretches into the rest of the summer break and the new academic year ahead. Students have access to their school email until Saturday 31st August 2024. Any contact with staff members from this point will need to take place using personal email addresses.

    Any student who is not able to attend on Results Day between 9 and 10am should contact myself and Ms Curtis, Exams Officer, in order to arrange an alternative collection time. A family member can collect results on behalf of a student if appropriate ID is provided – for example, a bill with home address or photographic ID.

    In order to support our students and families in younger years, we would also like to ask that any unwanted uniform items are donated to the school, and these can be brought in on Results Day.

    I will be in touch again after Results Day with a summary of our first Year 11 cohort’s achievements. However, in the meantime, I would like to wish all of you a continued safe and restful summer and I look forward to celebrating with you all next week.

    Yours faithfully,
    Ms Holmes
    Deputy Headteacher

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  • FREE things to do this Summer Break locally!

    Published 27/07/24

    FREE things to do in Greenwich and London this Summer break!

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  • Celebration Evening - Thursday 11th July 2024

    Published 17/07/24

    On Thursday 11th July we welcomed students, staff, parents and carers into school for our annual Celebration Evening. A fantastic evening celebrating the achievements of students from Year 7 - Year 10. We were also treated to several musical performances from the WPSfG Vocal Ensemble and Concert Band. We extend our gratitude to Jade Barnett, our guest speaker, is a public speaker, presenter, facilitator, and advocate for young Londoners, whose inspiring speech resonated with our students and audience. Thank you, Jade, for being part of this special evening.

    Our Headteacher, Ms L Williams comments, ‘This evening celebrates what our students have achieved academically, socially, emotionally, and ethically. I am honoured to celebrate these achievements with you. I hope that you feel a great sense of achievement. I know that you will continue to develop into well rounded, confident and articulate young people, who will be ready to enter the world and create change for the better. May we, as staff and parents, work together to support our students as they continue their journey to success here at the Poly. Thank you to you all for attending this evening.’

    #woolwichpolytechnic #woolwichpoly #woolwichpolygirls #polymatschools #Polymat #thamesmead #Greenwich #celebrationevening #celebrationevening2024 #jadebarnett

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  • Self-care over the summer break

    Published 15/07/24

    Young Minds

    Signpost your pupils to our self-care guide and encourage them to prioritise looking after themselves over the summer holidays – whatever that looks like for them. It’s easy for young people’s routines and healthy habits to go out the window during the summer, which can make it even harder for them to return to school come September. Supporting your pupils to learn about self-care and find accessible, enjoyable forms of it can really help their wellbeing now and in the future.

    Get the self-care guide

    Support for parents and carers

    As you know, many parents and carers struggle over the summer holidays without the essential support that your school provides. Particularly when it comes to managing their child’s behaviour and mental health at home – but you can help. Share our list of activity ideas that can help make tough conversations about mental health easier. There are suggestions for both younger kids and teens.

    How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health | YoungMinds

    Our guide to challenging behaviour provides tips on how parents and carers can look after their child and themselves.

    Challenging Behaviour | Parents' Guide To Support | YoungMinds

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  • Useful information for Year 6 to Year 7 transition

    Published 15/07/24

    Just a reminder to all Year 6 parents and carers that the Parent Information Evening PowerPoint and Year 7 Guide are available on our website under the Year 6-7 Journey page here:

    Check out this page for a wealth of useful information, tips, and videos for both parents and students embarking on their journey at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls in September 2024.

    We are so excited to welcome our new year 7 cohort in September!

    #woolwichpolytechnic #woolwichpoly #year6toyear7 #year6transition #newyear7 #year6toyear7journey #polymat #polymatschools

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  • First ever Prom at WPSfG - Friday 5th July 2024

    Published 15/07/24

    On Friday 5th July 2024 we held our first ever prom at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls.

    Our sports hall was transformed into the perfect prom venue with beautiful white tables and chairs, balloons, decorations, a buffet, a mirror wall which was the perfect backdrop for taking photographs, disco lighting, a DJ and even a 360 photobooth.

    The students arrived at 6.30pm and looked wonderful in their prom attire. It was such a lovely event where the students danced, laughed and had lots of fun all evening. We are so very proud of the Class of 2024 and look forward to celebrating with them again on GCSE Results Day.

    A huge thank you to all the members of staff who were involved in organising the prom and for making it a truly memorable and special occasion for our students.

    Enjoy this short video which shows just a glimpse of the amazing prom!


    #woolwichpolygirls #woolwichpolytechnic #woolwichpoly #polymatschools #Polymat #thamesmead #classof2024 #greenwich #london #prom2024 #year11prom #wpsfg

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  • Mental Health in Schools Team support during Summer Break 2024

    Published 05/07/24

    We wanted to give you an update on how we plan to prioritise and offer our MHST interventions during the summer break.

    • We will continue to accept referrals for 1:1 guided intervention for Child Anxiety and Challenging Behavior- Parent/carer . 
    • Parents or young people can refer by emailing the following information to MHST via the Greenwich MHST email address Name, D.O.B, School, contact name and number, current difficulties.
    • We will be putting all targeted group interventions on hold till September when Schools resume.
    • If you are interested in any of our workshops or targeted groups for pupils/parents/staff, please contact your MHST link practitioner.

    Thank you for your collaborative work with our team.

    Kind Regards

    Greenwich Mental Health in Schools Team 

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  • Year 11 Shirt Signing at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls

    Published 21/06/24

    Year 11 Shirt Signing at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls

    We cannot believe that a week has already passed since we waved goodbye to our Year 11 students. We thought today would be perfect to share some photographs from last Friday and the students signing shirts.

    Our Year 11 students had been busy customising their shirts with such detailed and creative designs using paints, pens, diamantes, pearls and even feather trims. Such a wonderful tradition which celebrated our Year 11s wearing their school uniform for the last time.

    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel now!

    #woolwichpolytechnic #woolwichpoly #polymatschools #Polymat #thamesmead #greenwich #year112024 #year11 #shirtsigning #classof2024

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